Takahashikusu’s Digital Catalog

For Cutting MeatSujihiki/SlicerFor Cutting OffTendons and SlicingIt is shaped like a chef’s knifebut longer and more narrowand is used for carving out meatalong tendons. It is sometimescalled a slicer.240・270・300/mmChef’s KnifeThe most commonly usedWestern knife that can be usedfor both meat and vegetables.180・210・240・270・300/mmParing KnifeA knife used to peel or makedecorative cuts with vegetablesand fruits. It looks like a small-size chef’s knife.120・135・150/mmFor CuttingVegetables and FruitsFor Cutting Meat Off BonesHonesuki(Boning Knife)Garasuki(Chicken Processing Knife)It is used for dressing chicken and islarger than.honesukiIt is used to cut meat off bone.Its blade is relatively thick amongstWestern knives and is hard tochip even if it hits a bone. A boningknife has two types: that has chin andthatdoes not. It is called "."SabakiNishigataAzumagataHonesuki(Azumagata)Honesuki(Nishigata)09Most Western knives are double-edged, making iteasy to cut as you like when you look at thingsfrom above. Since they are mostly made ofstainless-steel and are rust resistant, they areespecially widely used in homes, but moreprofessionals are starting to prefer them.For Cutting MeatSujihiki/SlicerFor Cutting OffTendons and SlicingIt is shaped like a chef’s knifebut longer and more narrowand is used for carving out meatalong tendons. It is sometimescalled a slicer.240・270・300/mmChef’s KnifeThe most commonly usedWestern knife that can be usedfor both meat and vegetables.180・210・240・270・300/mmParing KnifeA knife used to peel or makedecorative cuts with vegetablesand fruits. It looks like a small-size chef’s knife.120・135・150/mmFor CuttingVegetables and FruitsFor Cutting Meat Off BonesHonesuki(Boning Knife)Garasuki(Chicken Processing Knife)It is used for dressing chicken and islarger than.honesukiIt is used to cut meat off bone.Its blade is relatively thick amongstWestern knives and is hard tochip even if it hits a bone. A boningknife has two types: that has chin andthatdoes not. It is called "."SabakiNishigataAzumagataHonesuki(Azumagata)Honesuki(Nishigata)09Most Western knives are double-edged, making iteasy to cut as you like when you look at thingsfrom above. Since they are mostly made ofstainless-steel and are rust resistant, they areespecially widely used in homes, but moreprofessionals are starting to prefer them.

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