
24-Piece Set
Extra-Special Set
Marunomi (Curved Gouges)...1 bu (3mm), 2 bu (6mm), 3 bu (9mm), 4 bu (12mm)
Kakunomi (Chisels)... 1 bu (3mm), 2 bu (6mm), 3 bu (9mm), 4 bu (12mm)
Tohmaki Kogatana (Carving Knives with a Tohmaki Handle)...3 bu (9mm) Straight, 3 bu (9mm) Curved, 4 bu (12mm) Sword Type, 6 bu (18mm) Straight
Kohakunuki/Tazuna...A Set of 3 Pieces (Large, Medium, Small)
Kurinuki (Baller)...Large, Medium, Small
Shinnuki/Gekkannuki (Corers)...A Set of 5 Pieces
Whetstones for Marunomi (Curved Gouges) and Kakunomi (Chisels)
Cooking Nipper
Mukimono Knife (180 mm) with a Sheath
Kaisaki (105 mm) Knife with a Sheath
Folding Saw with an Ebony Handle
Kirifuki (Rod-like piston sprayer)